Vanessa Vicario
(b. 1977)
I would consider myself an outside artist, no training, no classes just picked it up one day in my late 30’s. My art is abstract and often surreal. I use symbols, colors and images, all to shed light on important themes in todays current world. One such recurring theme I show with symbols is a theme that I have in most of my works; it’s the idea of feeling trapped or hopeless with no way out in a society that is greedy and selfish but my message says you’re world doesn’t have to be that way and my art gives that little bit of extra confirmation, that little bit of magic dust to keep in your back pocket for when you need it! This “magic” is often depicted somewhere in my art as symbols like keys, and magic portals or rabbit holes. It sends the message that nothing is hopeless, you are never trapped and there is always another way, a clue, an idea, a way out or through anything which blocks or stifles us. I hope my art brings the community, aesthetics but more importantly, a sense of hope and renewal in one’s childhood sense of awe for the magic in life again.